Thursday 24 April 2014

Roast sweet potato & snow pea salad

 Getting stuck in a food rut is just an opportunity to discover something new! We all need inspiration and fresh ideas from time to time. Food doesn’t have to be complex or fancy for it to be good, especially our day to day dinners and lunches. Just something different than our usual dishes we have come to prepare out of habit and ease.

Changing combination and following the seasons can really help to expand our repertoire. We’ve been getting huge sweet potatoes lately and fresh
snow peas & green beans so this salad is perfect for this autumn time of the year. Fresh dill can make such a wonderful addition to any salad or soup. It’s strong so use a small amount until you fall in love with the complex grassy flavours.

This can be served as a salad in it’s own right or with baked tempeh, other salads, or your favorite risotto.

 Makes =  approximately 4 serves

4x medium sweet potatoes, roughly chopped into chunks
250gm green beans, topped
250gm snow peas, topped
½ bunch fresh dill, roughly chopped
½ cup macadamia nuts, roughly chopped

¼ cup lemon juice
½ cup olive oil
1 tsp good salt or to taste
cracked pepper to taste
a splash balsamic vinegar

 Place the chopped sweet potato on a flat baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown at 190C.
Remove and allow to cool slightly before serving.

This salad can be served warm or cold.

Blanch the snow peas and green beans in boiling water for 30 seconds or until bright green and still crunchy.

Cool in cold water to retain the colour and stop the cooking process or tossed with sweet potato and fresh dill and dressing and serve immediately.

Shake all the ingredients in a jar and dress the salad when ready to serve and eat!


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