Saturday 30 June 2012

Vegan Parmesan cheeze

I was in England in 1998, working in a vegetarian restaurant called Food for friends. It was a very popular vegetarian restaurant with a history of serving mostly 80's style vegetarian food. It was there, in Brighton, England that I first tasted vegan parmesan. I found it in the health food shop Infinity foods. It was even in the classic parmesan cheese packaging
that I remembered from childhood - that emerald green metallic cylinder with the white lid at the top with the little holes for sprinkling it on top of your pasta or you could slid the dial around to the bigger triangular hole for piling the parmesan on top of your pasta! It was an exciting discovery at the time! I had not come across it before this nor had I ever thought about it being an option. I remember being satisfied with it, not that I was looking to replace or mimic parmesan cheese in my vegan diet. But it was a nice treat from time to time. Certainly a recipe worth knowing and experiencing. It is so very easy to prepare.

Vegan parmesan cheeze
1 cup cashews (or blanched almonds) 
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp Italian dried herbs
3 tbs savoury yeast flakes
1 tsp good salt (I love pink Himalayan salt - see photo)

This is so easy and quite yummy. Process your cashews in a food processor until they form a fine meal, light and powdery. Catch it before it turns to cashew butter. Then add the remaining ingredients and whizz for another 30 seconds or so. Too easy.

Place in a glass jar. Keeps in the fridge well.

Note: You can use almonds with the skin on too, but it doesn't look as lovely and 'white' cashews or blanched almonds, which looks more like "normal" parmesan cheese but who cares!

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